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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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We here at TripleTen talk a lot about our money-back guarantee. And with good reason — we’re proud of this policy and how it backs up our no-nonsense focus on getting people hired in tech. So, if you read only this introduction, the core you need to know remains true: If you follow all our recommendations and don’t land a full-time job in your new profession within six months of graduating from our coding bootcamp, you can absolutely get your full tuition refunded.

But if you want to really dig deeper to understand the ins and outs of the TripleTen money-back guarantee, read on. Here’s what you need to know.

What’s expected of you

Yup, we’re going to start off with a bit of a reality check. See, bootcamps, even a bootcamp with a money-back guaranteeHow to Break into Tech: The Guaranteed Way such as TripleTen, are not magic. Think of it this way: you wouldn’t sign up for piano lessons and then expect to start playing Chopin pieces after just sitting passively in a stuffy practice room. You need to put in the work to get the result you’re aiming for. 

Finding a job in the tech industry is no different. To be eligible for the refund, you have to put a good-faith effort into your job search.

So what do you have to do as part of this?

  1. Complete the program you enrolled in, including all career prep courses and other career lessons

Gain tech know-how from industry experts to lay the foundation of your application

  1. Submit your job search assets within the 14 days following the acceptance of your final project

This includes your resume, LinkedIn profile, cover letter, and portfolio

  1. Join TripleTen Career Acceleration within the 14 days following the acceptance of your final project

This is when you launch the section of your tech education journey entirely focused on making you attractive to recruiters

  1. Submit an approved job search strategy within six weeks of joining Career Acceleration

Your career coach will help you craft an effective one

  1. Achieve certain milestones within six weeks of joining Career Acceleration:

i. Revise your job search assets in collaboration with a career coach

ii. Attend job search coaching sessions

iii. Attend mock HR and tech interviews

  1. Attend biweekly check-ins with career coaches

Additional sessions are also available for students with special needs

  1. Search for your new career

This includes applying for vacancies, networking at events or online, or working on portfolio projects as guided by your career coach. Be sure to track it all, too!

An addendum: some requirements

The actions above are what you need to do, but to be on the level, there are some qualifications that need to be mentioned, too. To be eligible for the money-back guarantee, you must:
  • Be 21 or older
  • Permanently reside in the US and permitted to work in the US
  • Look for full-time roles with a US employer
  • Not limit your search to remote roles exclusively
These are the stipulations we think will be most immediately relevant to you, but, naturally, there are more provisos that get increasingly granular. You can find the full legal document here, which we encourage you to explore if you still have questions.

What you get in return

So, yeah, you’re going to have to take the job search seriously. But that will be met with serious support from TripleTen. After all, our bootcamp grads have an 87% employment rateWhy TripleTen Grads Have an 87% Chance of Getting Hired for a reason. The mix of insightful direction from our career centerHow TripleTen’s Career Center Helps You Land a Job with targeted, diligent work from graduates — it works.

At no stage are you left hanging. Throughout the whole process, you benefit from a team of experts backing you up. And we mean the whole process. 

Day one, you start learning the in-demand skills employers are looking for, starting with hard skills (i.e., coding and tech tools), something that 68% of respondents in a survey of over 1,000 decision makers highlighted as a crucial quality for successful applicants.

Industry-experienced specialists shape the curriculum to make sure it’s effective, relevant, and digestible to people of all backgrounds. That means hard skills are covered. 

So that’s point number one from the list in the previous section handled. But then, there’s the quality that placed second as being crucial for successful candidates — soft skills. And even before you join Career Acceleration, a bootcamp helps you gain soft skills by design. After all, you’re going to be digitally collaborating with people around the country to get things done in tech, and this is something that naturally inculcates soft skills in students. 

But then we move on to really focus on these skills, and these capabilities are polished to a full gleam during the Career Acceleration phase. This takes the form of coaching sessions, mock interviews, and more. Through all of this, graduates in the job search process collaborate closely with career coaches, who are entirely focused on getting them the job. They provide guidance. They make portfolios and resumes shine. They help job seekers write cover letters that catch the eyes of recruiters.

So, yes, you’re going to have to do all the things mentioned in the previous section, but your entire journey is fueled by support from TripleTen. In fact, return to the list above. Count the items in which TripleTen doesn’t lend a hand in the process. There are two. 

One of those is simply submitting the job search assets, and this is just to enable your career coach to help you improve them down the line. The other one? Joining the Career Acceleration phase in the first place. And yeah, we can’t make you take advantage of all the professional wisdom we have on offer. This step is not one of labor, though — it is about deciding to go forward into a career in tech.

What happens if it doesn’t work out

The explicit promise we make is that, after graduating from a TripleTen bootcamp, you will get a job within six months. If you put in the time and effort to really take advantage of the wide suite of support we offer and still don’t find this promise coming true, then you can absolutely apply for a refund (although we should once again point out the stipulations mentioned above).

However, when you’re out, you’re out — once you request your refund, you lose access to your TripleTen account. That means you won’t be able to return to the platform to brush up on the information, and you won’t be able to check out TripleTen resources anymore. In addition, you’ll lose the ongoing career support offered to TripleTen alums.

But we do stand by our money-back guarantee because we’re confident that, in close collaboration with our internal experts, you can absolutely reskill and land that tech job you’re dreaming of.

Still got questions? Talk to a career advisor

Want to know how this all would apply to your specific situation? Eager to learn more about this part-time bootcamp offering a money-back guarantee? In both cases, our career advisors can help. Book a call today.

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We’re all about the human touch when helping people land great tech jobs, so if you have questions, our counselors have answers. By clicking the button, you agree that we may contact you by phone, email, or text message.

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