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Jenny Doctor
Program: Software Engineering
I cannot sing the praises of TripleTen enough! In just 7 months, I was able to learn the ropes of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and build a diverse portfolio of apps along the way. Before landing my software engineering job, I was a public school teacher. The most important factor in considering which ... Bootcamp I enrolled in was the ability to keep my day job. Because of TripleTen’s sprint based project schedule, I was able to study and build on my own time, but still practice the pace of delivery that I use in my new career. The material is challenging, but approachable, and the community of tutors, senior students, and peers allows for you to grow and ask questions in a safe environment. TripleTen also offered a variety of extra-curricular activities that other Bootcamp did not, and I believe those experiences helped me to land a job before graduation. My salary increased by 50% with the help of TripleTen’s career guidance and the skills I learned.My only criticism, and it is small, is that more time could have been spent learning backend technologies. However, the strong foundation that was laid on both the front end and back end makes diving into and learning more about server side coding easy to do after the program.You will not regret your choice to enroll in TripleTen’s software engineering Bootcamp, your time will be well spent during the course, and afterwards you will have a long-term connection of a professional network to help you succeed in the tech industry. Read more
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Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
I am a recent graduate from the Business Intelligence Analysis (BIA) program at TripleTen and it has honestly been one of the best decisions of my career. Having an industry experience in developing frontend of software applications, I wanted to venture into User Experience Design through a certific... ation program from a reputed community college after my career gap. Although the certification helped me enhance my skillset as a professional, it lacked in a lot of areas like gaining real world project experience, learning how to network, connect with recruiters to mention a few. I stumbled upon TripleTen’s BIA bootcamp through an acquaintance of mine and it seemed like an organic choice for me, with the right amount of technical and design experience in my pocket, to dive into the data/business aspect.  BIA program comprises of subjects like advanced spreadsheets, sql concepts, business analytics, exploring visualization tools like tableau and power bi. The newly gained skills together with transferable skills from my earlier education, made the whole experience worthwhile and a fascinating one. One of the most distinguishing and top-notch aspects about the program is that it is online with an ever-supporting community of tutors, mentors and students bringing out the best in each one. The study material is divided into sprints to mimic the real-world work system with project at end of each sprint providing a complete understanding of the concepts. In addition to the material, there are numerous workshops, online co working sessions, q & a sessions throughout the week to keep the momentum going, learn outside of the intended course material, dive deep into concepts through workshops etc. The programs have been designed beautifully to support working (PT/FT) and non-working professionals alike; with 10-20 hours per week of commitment to gain and excel in new skills which makes it sustainable and fun. Another unique feature of the program is what is called the career acceleration program that gives you tremendous opportunities to be more job ready than ever before by focusing on the right tools (resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, GitHub) and strategies for job search. The program has up-skilled me in ways I couldn’t have imagined, and I have been able to fulfill my strong desire to always delve into the business side of a service/product. I would highly recommend TripleTen program to any individual trying to make it to the tech industry or someone trying to pivot to a new role or even just wanting to have fun exploring new technologies and opportunities it provides. Dream big and make it happen with TripleTen by your side! Read more
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Ronald McGrath
Program: Business Intelligence Analytics
TripleTen is a coding boot camp with multiple programs to choose from. I started back on February 2, 2024. I'm 21 and I had no clue what I wanted to do. My life consisted of (before doing this boot camp) waking up, going to the gym, going to work, and then playing games. I hated how little money I w... as making and I was doing absolutely nothing about it. Wasn't going to school, wasn't applying to any jobs, and I genuinely felt like a bum. I hated how I felt every day knowing I could do even better but I just didn't know how or what to do. One day I was watching YouTube and I got an AD on this boot camp and I said what the heck, I clicked the AD and it took me to a webinar an hour+ long and I watched the entire thing. I said why not schedule an appointment to talk with someone about it, I'M NOT EVEN GOING TO LIE, I completely dodged the call when I saw it and went on about my day. A month went by, still felt the same way and the AD COMES BACK, so I attended the webinar again and scheduled it again, AND THIS TIME I WENT WITH IT. I spoke with a lady ( Emma Tilley ) amazing lady, really nice and honestly pretty motivating, when I was speaking to her, to go through it. She answered all my questions and concerns and well I began with the boot camp! It's been a great experience, one thing I will say! Yes, you can learn all this for free if you're talented enough to teach yourself everything you need to know but I'm glad I went with this company. THE COMMUNITY IS AMAZING! extremely helpful, they have a discord server, and if you have any concerns no matter how big or small they'll help you they even have an AI working in their servers so you can ask it questions about your codes and it'll give you extremely helpful advice and if it couldn't answer your question then their tutors that will AND BY CHANCE your question still isn't answered, you can ask your success manager who's main job is TO MAKE SURE YOU GRADUATE AND GET THAT JOB. My success manager is Mina Miric, an amazing person who always checks up on me and sees if I have any concerns. There's no way you graduate and won't get a job when you attend this boot camp, they're spoon-feeding you a job, you just have to do the hard part and eat, but if you can do that you will be glad you did it. It's nice knowing that everything will be okay. I highly recommend this boot camp, I will always promote this company and will always recommend it to people. There are a lot more benefits to this boot camp but I won't go into it. If you're on the fence about it, I'm telling you right now, just do it. I'm doing the BI Analysis program, of course, it's hard but they make it easy and it's hard to fail when there are so many people trying to make sure that doesn't happen! I GENUINELY, STRONGLY FEEL there's no way you fail when you go with this boot camp, absolutely no way you don't graduate and get that job. There's no way at all that someone can fail and if you do, you simply didn't want it that bad, I'm sorry. Read more
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Brandon Rossi
Program: Quality Assurance
Perhaps you've come across a TripleTen ad in your socials somewhere and thought to yourself, "Hm, this seems interesting" and now you've run here to see if it's worth it. Well, I'd be a liar if I hadn't done the same when I initially saw the ads. I came across them myself while already being a junio... r-level Manual QA Engineer looking to refresh some skills and build upon some automation but being unsure where to start, knowing there's so many different paths to take. Personally, I had been cherry-picking various courses and learning different things but had no clear direction until TripleTen stumbled into my feed.*As a quick aside, if you're new to QA - here's a quick thought from my old self entering the field: When you see something that seems wrong on a site or in an app, do you ever just get that ache to do something about it to get it fixed but don't know how? Or there's an error that's just frustrating you and not working right but there's nothing you can do about it? Well, when you're QA you absolutely can do something about it! And you can do something about it before it ever goes out to the public! It feels super great to be able to catch and prevent bugs from being released into the wild so customers get a perfect (or as perfect as can be) product.So back to TripleTen. I did some research and ultimately decided to take the leap. As I write this review, I'm in the final stretch of the program and nearly prepared to submit my final project of the QA Engineering program so I've got a pretty decent understanding of how the program itself works, which is probably why you're here: It's self-paced. Technically, you work in 2-3 Sprints to learn theory and then work on a project, and this simulates working in a real work Agile environment with deadlines. That said, you are able to finish your work early or if something comes up, you have a team of support staff with you every step of the way to help work through any issues and offer extensions if needed. Ultimately there's a goal to finish the program within the 5-month schedule. All other programs I've seen have a set schedule of when they have classes - often 2-3x a week in the evenings including a weekend day and I just didn't love that. I wanted to complete something on my own time and TripleTen offers that where no one does. There's so much Support. There's support from both TripleTen staff as well as other students. While it's self-paced as mentioned above, there are no set class days/times to attend - you are responsible for setting your own schedule to learn the material. That said, there ARE tutors available throughout the week with drop-in meeting hours or tag them on Discord with your questions and they can assist there. Additionally, all students in the program are in the Discord and I can say from personal experience that a lot of the students chime in to help each other out and learn together! Honestly, to be able to help each other out in this manner only helps reinforce the material. The Discord is invaluable - there's a wealth of channels to keep everyone engaged, informed, and even entertained. And I can't neglect to mention the Success Managers! They're always checking in to make sure you have everything you need and are there for feedback, questions, and to help guide you along the way. Material/Curriculum. You learn the foundations of QA and work up to some more advanced stuff. This is all on the website. I already mentioned I was experienced in Manual QA, so the beginning of the program I more or less knew already, but it was actually pretty cool to refresh on a fair amount of the material. Getting into APIs and such though, I really started to learn what I'd been missing out on. The Career Support - before you're even done there's Career staff that help give tips on crafting your resume, cover letters, elevator pitches, LinkedIn, job interviews, etc. They host webinars, you can have meetings with them, and even work with them on your job search! Basically what I'm getting at is... I had questions at the beginning and was hesitant at first, too. And now that I've done it - I can tell you this: go for it. Read more
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Christopher Abreu
Program: Software Engineering
I attended TripleTen's software engineering bootcamp in 2023, and it was an incredible journey. I was amazed at how warmly I was welcomed into the world of software engineering. Through their expert guidance and well-structured curriculum, I not only gained the essential skills but also found my pat... h to a fulfilling career as a software engineer with a promising startup. The journey wasn't always easy, as the curriculum was quite challenging, but every challenge brought a sense of accomplishment. The instructors and mentors played a pivotal role in my growth, always there to provide valuable insights and guidance. Plus, the wealth of resources available made the learning experience even richer. One aspect that stood out was the unwavering support from TripleTen. They were always just a message away, ready to assist with coursework, job search, or any tech-related question, whether it was day or night. TripleTen's career acceleration program is a game-changer. From personalized career counseling to crafting the perfect resume and cover letter, they left no stone unturned. Interview preparation was also top-notch, boosting my confidence for the job hunt. TripleTen's network proved invaluable as they connected me with employers actively seeking software engineers. Reflecting on my time at TripleTen, it was an overwhelmingly positive experience. If you're seeking a coding bootcamp that combines rigor with comprehensive support, I wholeheartedly recommend TripleTen. It's not just a place to learn; it's a place to thrive and launch your software engineering career with warmth and expertise. Read more
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Dillon Arnold
Program: Software Engineering
I recently completed the TripleTens 10-month software engineering bootcamp, and I couldn't be happier with my experience. The curriculum was comprehensive and up-to-date, covering a wide range of topics including JavaScript, React, Node.js, and MongoDB, among others. The instructors were knowledgeab... le and supportive, always willing to go the extra mile to help students understand complex concepts. One of the standout features of the bootcamp was the emphasis on real-world projects. Throughout the program, I worked on several projects that not only helped me solidify my skills but also gave me valuable experience working in a team environment, using version control, and managing project timelines. Another highlight was the career support provided by the bootcamp. From resume reviews to mock interviews, the career services team was there every step of the way to help us prepare for the job search. Thanks to their support, I was able to secure a job as a Full-Stack Developer shortly after completing the bootcamp. Overall, I highly recommend the TripleTens software engineering bootcamp to anyone looking to kickstart their career in tech. The curriculum, instructors, and career support are top-notch, making it a worthwhile investment in your future. Read more
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Jessica Powers
Program: Quality Assurance
Initially I was uncertain about joining a bootcamp VS some other the other options, but I've very glad I did. I'm especially glad I chose TripleTen for my courses in QA engineering. The lessons were guided but self-paced so it was easy to work into my schedule even though I have a full time job. The... material was easy to follow and the tutors were very helpful when I had questions. In addition my success manager was great about checking in on my progress and sending me links to some of the tutorial videos that the tutors put together for the students to use. She was also super flexible and when I had a family emergency at the end of the program. Knowing I could get an extension really helped me not stress while I took care of everything. I started with the career acceleration course in January, and like all job hunting stints it was slow going, however, having access to a career coach very much helped. Not only did my coach help me revise my resume several times throughout the process, but she also helped me figure out a networking strategy, helped me prep for interviews, and gave me several pep talks when I got discouraged. I am extremely grateful. All in all, if I had to do it again, I would still choose TripleTen. Read more
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Erik Aakre
Program: Software Engineering
I was a teacher for 9 years, but started to learn how to program on my own during the spring of 2020. It was hit or miss for me for about 2-3 years. I enjoyed it, but it was hard to be consistent. I toyed with the idea of a bootcamp for a long time and Triple Ten seemed to be the right one for me. T... he Software Engineering program has bee a great experience. It is well structured and there is always someone to help if you need it, tutors, community managers, and other students as well. Coming in, I felt like I had a decent grasp of some of the basics, but Triple Ten connected a lot of dots for me from my previous learning and gave me a deadline to keep me motivated. I got a job 3 months in to the bootcamp as a front-end developer. About 3/4 done with the bootcamp and still learning a lot! Triple Ten gave me enough confidence to apply for a job - and get it! I think without that, it would have taken me much longer on my own. Read more
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Kevin Le Vine
Program: Data Science
At first, I was skeptical about TripleTen's promises to secure a job and learn enough about Data Science to feel confident in a full time position. Though I have not secured a job at this point (I only just graduated), I can confidently say that I have acquired a great number of skills that makes me... surprise myself at times. TripleTens curriculum is as depth as a 9 month program can be, and in my opinion, hits all of the essential elements that are applicable to the business side of Data Science. I say that to emphasize this point: Data Science is a massive and ever expanding field, and there is no way to cover it all in 9 months. That being said, they give you all the tools and resources to secure your foothold in the discipline. Outside of the curriculum, they provide an excellent team dedicated to your well-being and success in the program. Evgenia and Aia (my community leads) were both incredibly supportive, regularly checking in to see how I was doing as well as responding in timely manner to all of my questions and needs. They were awesome. They also provide many secondary resources, such as workshops and webinars, to help refine and expand your skills and answer any questions.The one, and really only, complaint I have is that I found feedback on some of the projects a little frustrating. I came from a prestigious university and sport program that were both built on in-depth feedback. Out of the 15 or so projects, I felt that a couple of these lacked feedback that made me feel comfortable to move onto the next module. However, this was often rectified by one-on-one interactions that filled any remaining gaps that I felt I had.Overall, I can not recommend this program enough. For those that are trying to break into the industry, refine their skills, or just want to learn for their own personal use, I would strongly suggesting giving TripleTen a look. They were great. Read more
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Juliette Rike
Program: Data Science
I received a scholarship for TripleTen's data science program in partnership with Women Who Code back in 2022. I entered the program with a software engineering background but wanted to gain additional insight into machine learning concepts, which TripleTen offered. I learn best by applying new skil... ls, so I loved that TripleTen had exercises built into every chapter. You're able to reach out to instructors and tutors whenever you're stuck on a problem. The exercises also have hints built in. During the program, you have support every step of the way from everyone on TripleTen's staff. In particular, my success manager continued to check in on me when I fell behind on my studies and was able to help me get reintegrated into the program after I took hiatuses. My favorite part of the program was the chapter projects. I had a portfolio at the end of the program that I was able to talk about in interviews, and many of the skills I obtained I was able to utilize in further education and my current position. Between the projects and chapter exercises, the structure of TripleTen reenforced the concepts. I enjoyed that TripleTen had sprints but was otherwise self-paced. This is a great program if you work well with deadlines but need flexibility when it comes to progressing. Ultimately, I was very happy with the education I received at TripleTen! Read more
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