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When considering enrolling in a coding bootcamp, you may wonder what awaits you on the other side and how your future role and responsibilities will shape up.

Going with TripleTen Software Engineering Bootcamp means gaining fundamental experience with JavaScript, one of the universal and most popular languages of the present day.

JavaScript has long been a cornerstone of web development, and its influence has only increased in recent years. As a TripleTen student, you'll discover that mastering JavaScript can open up a wide array of career paths in software engineering. 

In this article, we'll explore the various roles you can pursue as a JavaScript expert, as well as how learning this versatile language can give you an advantage in the front end, back end, and full stack.

Finding a job as a JavaScript developer

JavaScript is a common programming language, so you’ll rarely find a job posting title with the word ‘JavaScript’ in it. Instead, you will search for the level of proficiency (junior, middle, senior), part of the application (front-end, back-end, or full-stack), or just look up job postings for a ‘software engineer’ and go through the requirements. Employers normally post the project’s stack to ensure the applicants have relevant experience.

However, recruiters sometimes emphasize the dominant library or framework for that position, so we recommend looking for certain keywords when applying for each specific role. Although you will not find ‘JavaScript’ in the job title, writing it in the search bar will help you filter the postings for companies that run mainly on JavaScript and avoid other irrelevant languages.

In this job posting, JavaScript is mentioned in the requirements section.
In this job posting, JavaScript is mentioned in the title. However, it does not happen often.

Let’s now take a close look at the specific roles that software engineers with JavaScript knowledge can perform. 

Front-end developer

Front-end developers are responsible for designing and implementing a website or application's visual and interactive elements. They shape the user experience by crafting the layout, typography, color schemes, and other aesthetic components. Clicking on buttons, animating elements as you scroll, or pre-filling contact forms with your data is the magic of JavaScript frameworks. Without JavaScript, any web page would be a static combination of text and images like it used to be years ago. 

A front-end developer is also responsible for ensuring that their code runs on all devices seamlessly and adapts to the screen size, browser, and operating system. It is very frustrating when you struggle to look up information on a website and see the layout does not fit on your screen. Front-end developers have to ensure their code is usable on mobile devices, which is now prioritized by many companies

To accomplish their tasks, JavaScript front-end engineers require a diverse range of skills to excel. Some of the main skills include:

  • HTML and CSS are the building blocks of any web application to support the layout, typography, and responsive design. These are the core blocks of how your website will look, with it you set parameters for headings, font, colors, and formatting.
  • JavaScript: A front-end engineer must understand JavaScript and its related frameworks, such as React and Vue. JavaScript “animates” static layouts and makes them responsive to users’ actions like clicks and navigation.
  • React.js: A popular JavaScript library that allows engineers to build dynamic and responsive user interfaces. With React, the level of complexity of front-end engineering increases even more. For instance, many services use React to create interactive maps of cities, like Airbnb.
  • Vue.js: Vue is another popular JavaScript framework that allows engineers to build high-performing web applications. It’s similar to React but uses other libraries, at times, the frameworks can be combined. For instance, Facebook is known to use both.
  • Git: a version control system used by developers to manage code and collaborate on projects. It helps many engineers to merge their code into a single project and avoid conflicts. Front-end engineers must understand how to use Git and its related tools such as GitHub, Bitbucket, or GitLab.
  • Testing and debugging with frameworks like Jest, Mocha, or Jasmine, and debugging tools like Chrome DevTools.

Examples of job titles: front-end developer, front-end software engineer, front-end engineer, React engineer. Average salary: $84,462, according to Glassdoor.

Example of a job offer for a JavaScript front-end developer.

Back-end developer

Back-end developers focus on the server-side infrastructure of a web application, ensuring that the application is not just a “facade” but stores, processes, and shows data efficiently. They design and maintain databases, handle API requests, and develop server-side logic.
For example, when you book a flight online, the backend engineering ensures you receive the correct results, allocate a vacant seat, and checkout with a preferred fare. It also stores your personal data, generates invoices, e-tickets, and handles online check-in.

Back-end developers are responsible for creating and maintaining databases and APIs that enable communication between the front-end and back-end of an application. They use frameworks and libraries such as Node.js, Express.js, and MongoDB to build scalable, secure, high-performing back-end systems. Back-end developers are also responsible for structuring the application, implementing authentication and authorization mechanisms, and handling server-side validation and error handling.

They work closely with front-end developers, designers, and project managers and play a crucial role in building and delivering applications that are efficient, secure, and provide an exceptional user experience.

JavaScript back-end developers require a diverse range of skills. Some of the main skills that a back-end developer needs to know include:

  • Databases: a back-end developer must have a strong understanding of databases and data modeling, the core of storing and retrieving information about services, items, and users.
  • REST API: to be able to design and implement RESTful APIs that enable communication between the client-side and server-side applications. In other words, call data from the back end to show on the front end.
  • Node.js: Node.js is a valuable skill, allowing developers to use JavaScript across the stack. Node.js is widely adopted by leading tech companies like LinkedIn, Walmart, and Netflix because it enables developers to build faster and more scalable applications.
  • Express.js: Express.js is a popular Node.js framework for building web applications and RESTful APIs. It’s used to save time in programming in Node.js, thanks to its ready solutions. 
  • Git: Version control is a must for back-end developers to write and maintain quality code.
  • Testing and debugging: Like all good software engineers, back-end developers must have experience with testing and debugging techniques.

Examples of job titles: back-end engineer, back-end software engineer, back-end developer, NodeJS engineer, NodeJS developer. Average salary: $111,256, according to Glassdoor.

Example of a job offer for a JavaScript back-end developer

Full-stack developer

Full-stack developers bring together the best of both worlds: they have the skills to work on an application's front-end and back-end aspects. This comprehensive skill set makes them invaluable in small teams and startups, where resources may be limited.

As a full-stack developer proficient in JavaScript, your responsibilities may include:

  1. Designing and implementing end-to-end features for web applications.
  2. Ensuring seamless integration between front-end and back-end components.
  3. Collaborating with other team members to develop, test, and deploy new features.
  4. Troubleshooting and optimizing application performance.

If you wonder what skills a full-stack developer should have, the honest answer would be - pretty much everything above! Full-stack engineering involves a thorough comprehension of JavaScript and the ability to troubleshoot any part of the application.

It is truly beneficial to have the abilities of a full-stack engineer, as by learning one language, you can work on both front-end and back-end code, making you more versatile and efficient. Your ability to work across the entire development process will make you an invaluable asset, especially in early-stage startups and smaller teams.

Examples of job titles: Full-stack engineer, full-stack developer. Average salary: $116,393, according to Glassdoor.

Example of a job offer for a JavaScript full-stack developer

In short

JavaScript's wide-ranging applications make it a perfect choice for TripleTen students looking to maximize their career opportunities. Whether you choose to focus on front-end, back-end, or full-stack development, mastering JavaScript will provide you with the skills and knowledge to excel in a variety of software engineering roles. Embrace the power of JavaScript, and unlock a world of potential in the software engineering landscape.

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