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Christina Guida
Christina Guida
Career coach
TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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If you're in the middle of a job search, then we've got news for you. TripleTen's Career Team has the insights and advice that can help you land your dream job. Every month, our Career Coach Christina Guida looks into labor statistics to give an overview of the US job market and shares valuable insights on how to use this info in your favor!

If you’re planning on landing a tech job in the next few months, keep reading. Here are some findings from Christina for the month of July.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, hiring is calmer compared to 2022, but it still remains solid. Employers across the US added 187,000 jobs in July, and the unemployment rate has sunk to a new record low of 3.5%.

The tech market situation is even better.

The tech unemployment rate hit 2.3% in July, according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics. So, following Christina’s advice, now is the right time to look for a new job. 

Here are a few tips and tricks that will help students stand out in the job market and excel at job interviews.

We all know that cultural fit is extremely important because it enhances your chance of getting an offer. Here are a few tips you can use to make a good impression on potential employers:

  1. Research the company culture. Start by thoroughly researching the company’s values and mission statement. Search through their social media, blog posts, website, and any articles they’ve published. That way, you'll gain insight into what matters to the company the most. Then, as Christina suggests, weave their language into your responses during the interview. 
  2. Tailor your application materials. Customize your resume, cover letter, and any other application materials to reflect the company’s values. Use keywords and phrases from their mission statement or values.
  3. Highlight relevant experience. Highlight experience from your past that aligns with the company’s values. This can include volunteer work, previous job responsibilities, or projects that reflect similar ideas. Use these examples both while networking and during interviews; think of it as a way of making your story rhyme with theirs. 
  4. Ask thoughtful questions. During interviews or networking, ask questions that delve into the company’s values. Find out what’s really important to them. Show that your genuine interests can further their mission.
  5. Follow up thoroughly. After any interviews or interactions, make sure you’re following up with a thank you note and that you reiterate your alignment with the company’s culture. Express your excitement to be able to contribute to that environment. This will show your willingness to adapt and grow with the company and emphasize your openness to their culture and beliefs.

Once you back up your statements with tangible examples, you’ll prove that you’re a perfect cultural fit. This will significantly enhance your chances of standing out and make a lasting impression.

If you’d like to see the full video with TripleTen’s career insights, check it out via the link below.

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