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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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TripleTen.Coding Bootcamps

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People sign up for tech or IT bootcamps for different reasons. Some want to further flex their programming skills. Others want to learn what programming even is, or how to do it. And many others want to change careers and land a job with the experience, network, and portfolio that bootcamps can offer.

These are all, by the way, fantastic reasons to take the leap and join an online training program. But for this article, we’re going to focus on that third group of individuals: The aspiring coders and tech aficionados who want to explore coding bootcamps with a money-back guarantee. The ones willing to spend the cost of tuition—if it means that tuition is recouped down the road in the form of a higher salary, better work-life-balance, and a more fulfilling career.

We get it, and we’re here to tell you — you can, and will, find a job through a bootcamp. 

What decision makers have to say about tech bootcamps

The first point we’ll address is from the employer perspective. Do they see bootcamps as a worthwhile resume boost and effective skill developer?

The short answer is, yes, they do. According to TripleTen’s latest Employer Report, which surveyed over 1,000 US-based decision makers across sectors and companies, 86% of hiring managers are confident or very confident about hiring bootcamp grads. Meanwhile, 79% actively want to, and do, hire candidates from nontraditional or non-tech-related backgrounds, which is a large portion of TripleTen’s students. 

When focused just on the tech industry, 49% of respondents said they were very confident in hiring bootcamp graduates, while only 7% said they were not confident.

Very confident in hiring bootcamp graduates Confident in hiring bootcamp graduates
All employers 34% 52%
Tech/IT employers 49% 44%

What our data tells us about bootcamps and job placement

It’s one thing for employers to tell you what they think — it’s another to confirm whether they’re practicing what they preach. The truth is, coding bootcamps with job placement services like TripleTen’s really work.

Our recent Outcomes Report shows that 87% of TripleTen participants land a job within three months of graduating — for some roles, this number is even higher — and half our students get job offers before they’ve even completed their training. 

While some of these positions are part-time through freelance or contract work, 91% of graduates end up in full-time roles. And they’re not making pennies: Our grads make anywhere between $67,000 and $89,000 a year, increasing their salaries by up to $42,300.

Bootcamps like TripleTen’s don’t just guarantee a job after graduating, they can also lead to a more balanced and rewarding work life overall. Sixty-one percent of our students find remote jobs, and 90% report staying in their roles for at least a year post-graduation.

TripleTen graduate outcomes

  • 87% land a job within 180 days
  • 50% land a job before graduating
  • 91% work in full-time jobs
  • 61% work remotely
  • 90% stay in their jobs for at least a year

What’s behind these numbers

So how are we able to brag about high hit rates and success stories? By tackling career development and the job search with a holistic approach

TripleTen’s instructors, through self-paced lesson plans, real-world simulations, and live feedback sessions, focus on key soft skills—time and project management, collaboration and communication, storytelling and presenting—as much as they do full-stack web development, QA, and other relevant tech skills, and leave you with a portfolio worthy of a hiring manager’s attention. 

Our tutors help you get the most out of your learning, while our company partners, career coaches, and career services keep a pulse on market trends to assist you in preparing job applications, practicing mock interviews, and handling skills-based assessments as you seek to land the job of your dreams.

The icing on the cake: TripleTen has a money-back guarantee, meaning if it takes our students more than six months to get the job they trained for after graduation, we will refund 100% of their tuition.

See if a bootcamp is right for you

Maybe you’re skeptical that a bootcamp, even with a money-back guarantee, is the right move for you. Don’t worry, we’ve prepared for that, too.

Our self-assessment quiz will help you sift through all those passions and interests circling in your head, as well as address your doubts about whether tech is a good match. And it only takes five minutes!

What tech career is best for you?

Looking to change your job but unsure what to go for? Take our free two-minute quiz to find out which of our bootcamps will help you achieve your goals.

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